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वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥

Dec 31, 2024

6 min read




·       I have increased humidity and temperature by more than 5000 times in Africa, North America, Europe and South America to burn all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased humidity and temperature by more than 5000 times in the Middle East, Asia and OCEANIA to burn all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased humidity and temperature by 5000 times in Antarctica to burn all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased humidity and temperature by 5000 times in 195 countries and 8 continents to burn all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased humidity and temperature by 5000 times in USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia and Europe to burn all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased sea water levels by 5000 times in USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia and Europe to submerge all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased sea water levels by 5000 times in North America, South America and The Middle East to submerge all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased sea water levels by 5000 times in Asia and OCEANIA to submerge all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased sea water levels by 5000 times in Antarctica to submerge all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased sea water levels by 5000 times in 195 countries and 8 continents to submerge all forms of life to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       Who is reading my piece of shit blogs and posts on my website?

·       I have starved devotees on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.

·       195 countries, 8 continents and 10 billion sperms in human form were burnt in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I am not going to uphold this piece of shit adharmic world.

·       I have burnt sperms in human form under the Sun.

·       I have burnt sperms in human form on earth.

·       I have burnt sperms in human form drinking water and eating food on earth.

·       I have burnt sperms in human form breathing, speaking, listening, learning, drinking and eating on earth.

·       I have reduced jobs in USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia and Europe to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have reduced jobs in China, India and Asia, 195 countries and 8 continents to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       No mercy for adharmic. If I show mercy, there is no meaning of dharma. This world is upheld by dharma.

·       I will not even shit, piss, spit on the Vedas, Upanishads, Sanskrit Scholars, spiritual gurus, priests, astrologers, Indian scholars, mathematicians, Indian scientists, economists, Indian origin men, women, girls and boys in the last 13.8 billion years.

·       I have turned single for life, unmarried for life, monk for life, ascetic for life, virgin for life, prostitute for life, whore for life, pimp for life, brothelkeeper for life, divorced for life, separated for life into living organisms without genitals inside ass, vagina, penis, semen, shit and cum for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned pure vegetarians, eggetarians, vegans, organic for life into living organisms inside ass, vagina, penis, semen, shit and cum of non-vegetarians for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Indians, and NRIs bragging about piece of shit Indian scriptures, cultures, traditions, rituals, knowledge, wisdom, science, and history into living organisms inside ass, vagina, penis, semen, shit and cum of White skin man, woman and animals for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Indian cricketers, Indian Cricket fans, followers, sponsors and supporters into living organisms inside ass, vagina, penis, semen, shit and cum of White skin British man, woman and animals for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I read, watch, listen –  Why investors should remain bullish on U.S. markets. India not interested to take sides in global politics. Bitcoin could hit $210,000 next year. Climate and health sectors will have a great year in 2025. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reach divorce deal after eight years. Scientists Are Closer Than Ever To Reverse Aging. How Does It Work? Even non-billionaires don't like ageing. Immortal billionaires sound like hell on earth. I don't want to die not because I scare of losing wealth, physical body, or even relationship but because I don't want to lose myself. All the pain that makes me grow up. All the experiences which teach me what is important and not. I hate to lose all those precious things that make me who I am. I've said it my entire life, I don't want to die. Death is inevitable. An immortal dictator would be a big problem. Two Whistleblowers of Boeing died as well, of suicide as well. How can anyone believe that there was no suicide note left?" The parents of Suchir Balaji, an OpenAI whistleblower researcher who was found dead in his San Francisco apartment. Patanjali Group of Companies, founded by the dynamic duo Swami Ramdev and Acharya Balakrishna. With a valuation close to ₹1,00,000 crore and directly and indirectly employing over 5 lakh Indians, Patanjali has become a cornerstone of the India growth story, combining business, wellness, and culture.

·       The world has become infinite times more corrupt, adharmic, filthy.

·       The world has become all about money, wealth, lust, sex, domination, exploitation.

·       The world has become greedy, evil

·       The world has become a place of fear, and insatiable hunger for money.

·       Continents will come and go

·       Countries will come and go

·       Time will come and go

·       I must do my eternal duty on earth

·       Civilisations, cultures, money, wealth will come and go

·       I must do my eternal duty for my beloved earth.

·       I must end exploitation of eternal soul on earth.

·       One of the infinite ways to free eternal soul from the endless cycle of death and birth is to submerge adharmic continents.

·       I know the world has become corrupt.

·       I know men, women, girls, boys have become corrupt and filthy

·       I know body, mind and senses have become corrupt and filthy.

·       I know eternal soul is stuck on earth in the evil cycle of death and birth. My beloved earth is suffering.

·       My God Narayana grant my wishes, my desires, my ambitions.

·       I have turned sperms in human form working in Marathi movie industry, cinema, drama, performance, comedy, television and serials into living organisms inside shit, piss, semen, vagina, penis, cum and shit for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I will not even shit on any Marathi Manoos sperm in human form in the last 13.8 billion years.

·       I will not shed a single tear if 41 years of my work achieves nothing.

·       I will not shed a single tear if 13.8 billion years of my work achieves nothing.

·       If I am not the real God Kalki, I will not shit on any God anywhere in the universe.

·       I burn remaining negativity, depression, fear, greed, lust, and adharma in my body, bones, DNA, genes, blood, breathe, mind and senses right now 31-12-2024 11:13pm.

·       I pledge to God Narayana that I will not think twice before submerging USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia, Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and The Middle East.

·       I pledge to time that I will not think twice before submerging 195 countries and 8 continents.

·       I tell fire, air, water, space, land, earth and sky that I have done everything I could.

·       I have turned men and women marrying men and women from the same caste, varna, language, culture, values, ethics and religion into living organisms inside ass, vagina, penis, semen, shit and cum of White skin man, woman and animals for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I will speak every single language on earth from the beginning of time from January 2023.



वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥

ॐ चण्डं प्रतिचण्डं करधृतदण्डं कृतरिपुखण्डं सौख्यकरम् । लोकं सुखयन्तं विलसितवन्तं प्रकटितदन्तं नृत्यकरम् ।। डमरुध्वनिशंखं तरलवतंसं मधुरहसन्तं लोकभरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकटमहेशं भैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।। चर्चित सिन्दूरं रणभूविदूरं दुष्टविदूरं श्रीनिकरम् । किँकिणिगणरावं त्रिभुवनपावं खर्प्परसावं पुण्यभरम् ।। करुणामयवेशं सकलसुरेशं मुक्तशुकेशं पापहरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्री भैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।। कलिमल संहारं मदनविहारं फणिपतिहारं शीध्रकरम् । कलुषंशमयन्तं परिभृतसन्तं मत्तदृगृन्तं शुद्धतरम् ।। गतिनिन्दितहेशं नरतनदेशं स्वच्छकशं सन्मुण्डकरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेशं कष्टहरम् ।। कठिन स्तनकुंभं सुकृत सुलभं कालीडिँभं खड्गधरम् । वृतभूतपिशाचं स्फुटमृदुवाचं स्निग्धसुकाचं भक्तभरम् ।। तनुभाजितशेषं विलमसुदेशं कष्टसुरेशं प्रीतिनरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेशं कष्टहरम् ।। ललिताननचंद्रं सुमनवितन्द्रं बोधितमन्द्रं श्रेष्ठवरम् । सुखिताखिललोकं परिगतशोकं शुद्धविलोकं पुष्टिकरम् ।। वरदाभयहारं तरलिततारं क्ष्युद्रविदारं तुष्टिकरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।। सकलायुधभारं विजनविहारं सुश्रविशारं भृष्टमलम् । शरणागतपालं मृगमदभालं संजितकालं स्वेष्टबलम् ।। पदनूपूरसिंजं त्रिनयनकंजं गुणिजनरंजन कुष्टहरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्री भैरव वेषं कष्टहरम् ।। मदयिँतुसरावं प्रकटितभावं विश्वसुभावं ज्ञानपदम् । रक्तांशुकजोषं परिकृततोषं नाशितदोषं सन्मंतिदमम् ।। कुटिलभ्रकुटीकं ज्वरधननीकं विसरंधीकं प्रेमभरम् । भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।। परिर्निजतकामं विलसितवामं योगिजनाभं योगेशम् ।बहुमधपनाथं गीतसुगाथं कष्टसुनाथं वीरेशम् ।। कलयं तमशेषं भृतजनदेशं नृत्य सुरेशं वीरेशम् ।भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।


नमस्ते चण्डिके । चण्डि । चण्ड-मुण्ड-विनाशिनि । नमस्ते कालिके । काल-महा-भय-विनाशिनी । ।।1।। शिवे । रक्ष जगद्धात्रि । प्रसीद हरि-वल्लभे । प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं, जगत्-पालन-कारिणीम् ।।2।। जगत्-क्षोभ-करीं विद्यां, जगत्-सृष्टि-विधायिनीम् । करालां विकटा घोरां, मुण्ड-माला-विभूषिताम् ।।3।। हरार्चितां हराराध्यां, नमामि हर-वल्लभाम् । गौरीं गुरु-प्रियां गौर-वर्णालंकार-भूषिताम् ।।4।। हरि-प्रियां महा-मायां, नमामि ब्रह्म-पूजिताम् । सिद्धां सिद्धेश्वरीं सिद्ध-विद्या-धर-गणैर्युताम् ।।5।। मन्त्र-सिद्धि-प्रदां योनि-सिद्धिदां लिंग-शोभिताम् । प्रणमामि महा-मायां, दुर्गा दुर्गति-नाशिनीम् ।।6।। उग्रामुग्रमयीमुग्र-तारामुग्र – गणैर्युताम् । नीलां नील-घन-श्यामां, नमामि नील-सुन्दरीम् ।।7।। श्यामांगीं श्याम-घटिकां, श्याम-वर्ण-विभूषिताम् । प्रणामामि जगद्धात्रीं, गौरीं सर्वार्थ-साधिनीम् ।।8।। विश्वेश्वरीं महा-घोरां, विकटां घोर-नादिनीम् । आद्यामाद्य-गुरोराद्यामाद्यानाथ-प्रपूजिताम् ।।9।। श्रीदुर्गां धनदामन्न-पूर्णां पद्मां सुरेश्वरीम् । प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं, चन्द्र-शेखर-वल्लभाम् ।।10।। त्रिपुरा-सुन्दरीं बालामबला-गण-भूषिताम् । शिवदूतीं शिवाराध्यां, शिव-ध्येयां सनातनीम् ।।11।। सुन्दरीं तारिणीं सर्व-शिवा-गण-विभूषिताम् । नारायणीं विष्णु-पूज्यां, ब्रह्म-विष्णु-हर-प्रियाम् ।।12।। सर्व-सिद्धि-प्रदां नित्यामनित्य-गण-वर्जिताम् । सगुणां निर्गुणां ध्येयामर्चितां सर्व-सिद्धिदाम् ।।13।। विद्यां सिद्धि-प्रदां विद्यां, महा-विद्या-महेश्वरीम् । महेश-भक्तां माहेशीं, महा-काल-प्रपूजिताम् ।।14।। प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं, शुम्भासुर-विमर्दिनीम् । रक्त-प्रियां रक्त-वर्णां, रक्त-वीज-विमर्दिनीम् ।।15।। भैरवीं भुवना-देवीं, लोल-जिह्वां सुरेश्वरीम् । चतुर्भुजां दश-भुजामष्टा-दश-भुजां शुभाम् ।।16।। त्रिपुरेशीं विश्व-नाथ-प्रियां विश्वेश्वरीं शिवाम् । अट्टहासामट्टहास-प्रियां धूम्र-विनाशिनीम् ।।17।। कमलां छिन्न-मस्तां च, मातंगीं सुर-सुन्दरीम् । षोडशीं विजयां भीमां, धूम्रां च बगलामुखीम् ।।18।। सर्व-सिद्धि-प्रदां सर्व-विद्या-मन्त्र-विशोधिनीम् । प्रणमामि जगत्तारां, सारं मन्त्र-सिद्धये ।।19।। ।।फल-श्रुति।। इत्येवं व वरारोहे, स्तोत्रं सिद्धि-करं प्रियम् । पठित्वा मोक्षमाप्नोति, सत्यं वै गिरि-नन्दिनि ।।1।। कुज-वारे चतुर्दश्याममायां जीव-वासरे । शुक्रे निशि-गते स्तोत्रं, पठित्वा मोक्षमाप्नुयात् ।।2।। त्रिपक्षे मन्त्र-सिद्धिः स्यात्, स्तोत्र-पाठाद्धि शंकरी । चतुर्दश्यां निशा-भागे, शनि-भौम-दिने तथा ।।3।। निशा-मुखे पठेत् स्तोत्रं, मन्त्र-सिद्धिमवाप्नुयात् । केवलं स्तोत्र-पाठाद्धि, मन्त्र-सिद्धिरनुत्तमा । जागर्ति सततं चण्डी-स्तोत्र-पाठाद्-भुजंगिनी ।।4।। श्रीमुण्ड-माला-तन्त्रे एकादश-पटले महा-विद्या-स्तोत्रम्।।


शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम्, प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये । शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं, विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्ण शुभाङ्गम् । लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यम्, वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम् । औषधे चिंतये विष्णुम भोजने च जनार्धनम, शयने पद्मनाभं च विवाहे च प्रजापतिम, युद्धे चक्रधरम देवं प्रवासे च त्रिविक्रमं । नारायणं तनु त्यागे श्रीधरं प्रिय संगमे, दुःस्वप्ने स्मर गोविन्दम संकटे मधुसूधनम । कानने नारासिम्हम च पावके जलाशयिनाम, जलमध्ये वराहम च पर्वते रघु नन्दनं, गमने वामनं चैव सर्व कार्येशु माधवं । षोडशैतानी नमानी प्रातरुत्थाय यह पठेत, सर्वपापा विर्निमुक्तो विष्णुलोके महीयते ।

Dec 31, 2024

6 min read