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Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris – This is your last opportunity to become the US president. Get your greatest military ready to fight with me to protect democracy burnt by me in Yagna in January 23

Oct 29, 2024

6 min read




·       I have burnt, bankrupted and starved men, women working for The Wall Street, equity market, equity, capital, economic data, CPI, GDP, tax, fed funds rates, capital markets, financial services, finance, accounting, tax, debt, exchange, buying, selling, economic policies, construction, real estate, housing, commercial real estate, cities, CBDs, extend and pretend, fiscal policy, monetary policy, stock markets, earnings, investment growth, investment assets, data centres, technology, AI, valuation, domestic and foreign growth, geopolitical risks, geographic investment risks, climate change and global warming investment risks, insurance, global economy, global markets, hedge funds, ETFs, Bond markets, central banks, borrowing, lending, healthcare, education, financial institutions, energy, mining, drilling, commodities, copper, iron ore, critical minerals, productivity, efficiency, pharmaceuticals, business, capitalism, economy, infrastructure projects, money, wealth, labour markets, skilled workers, semiconductor chips, data, telecommunications, internet, science, biotechnology, space, renewables, solar, wind, electric vehicles, electrification, decarbonisation, net zero, entertainment, arms industry, food industry, clothing, beauty and fashion industries, law and order, drugs industry, scams, cyberattacks and cyber industry, banks, asset and wealth management, ASIC, ASX, NYSE, Stock Exchanges, Stocks, Bonds, Bills, Notes, Cryptocurrencies, Universities, Medicine, Immigration, Housing policy, housing supply and demand to death on earth in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have reduced population of Canada, UK, USA, NZ, Australia and Europe to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have reduced population of China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Asia to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have reduced population of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Jammu Kashmir, Khalistan, Punjab, West Bengal, South India, North India, Delhi, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, and Myanmar to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have reduced population of Europe, UK, South America, North America, Antarctica, The Middle East and OCEANIA to ZERO in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt, bankrupted and starved men, women working on Economy, Debt, Business, Housing, Investments, Technology, Energy, Innovation, Research, AI, Education, Governance, Immigration, Arms Industry, Finance, Tax, Accounting, Labour Markets, Capital Markets, Economic Policies, Fiscal Policies, and Monetary Policies, Housing, Real Estate and Commercial Real Estate, Money, Wealth, Valuation, Gold, Silver, Commodities, Pharma, Biotechnology, Life Sciences and Research, Healthcare, Borrowing, Lending, Interest Rate, Paper Currencies, War Economy, Telecommunications, Data, Cybersecurity, crime and rare metals to death in Yagna in January 2023

·       Millions of White skin Australian, British, Irish, Scottish, American, NZ and European prostitutes, whores, pimps, brothelkeepers, ass lickers, cock suckers, mother fuckers, vagina lickers, penis suckers, convicts, clowns, criminals, bigots, filth tried to break my resolve infinite times by treating me like an alien from a different plant, treating me as if I didn’t exist, treating me like a slave begging/pleading for work to feed my family, ignoring me, not responding to my infinite requests to explain my business offerings to create value for 195 countries and 8 continents.

·       When I reached out to millions of NRIs and Indians they didn’t respond because they were busy watching their mothers, daughters and wives getting fucked by White skin men with no penis 24x7 365 days a year.

·       When I reached out to millions of Asians they didn’t respond because they were busy imitating, copying and watching their mothers, daughters and wives getting fucked by White skin men with no penis 24x7 365 days a year.

·       When I reached out to millions of White skin prostitutes, whores and pimps in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe for work to feed my family they didn’t respond, they kept quiet because they were busy drinking, eating shit, cum and semen from Jesus Christ’s fake vagina 24x7 365 days a year.

·       I have turned NRIs and Indians acting, thinking, behaving, working, living, earning, learning, eating, drinking, studying, walking, dancing, buying, selling, earning, creating, sustaining and destroying like White skin men and women in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside White woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned men, women, girls and boys eating with forks and knives into living organisms inside the ugliest filthiest animal vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       350 million USA, 70 million UK, 39 million Canadian, 6 million NZ and 775 million European criminals on my earth – Did you supply more than ZERO weapons to Pakistan. Afghanistan and Jammu Kashmir in the last 13.8 billion years?

·       I have burnt fair trade on earth in Yagna in January 2023.

·       Kamala Harris’s mother was born in Chennai. I have burnt, and submerged Chennai and South India in Yagna in January 2023. I have turned NRIs and Indians supporting, advocating, and cheering for Kamala Harris or any other NRI in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside Black African American woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt Economy, Debt, Business, Housing, Investments, Technology, Energy, Innovation, Research, AI, Education, Governance, Immigration, Arms Industry, Finance, Tax, Accounting, Labour Markets, Capital Markets, Economic Policies, Fiscal Policies, and Monetary Policies, Housing, Real Estate and Commercial Real Estate, Money, Wealth, Valuation, Gold, Silver, Commodities, Pharma, Biotechnology, Life Sciences and Research, Healthcare, Borrowing, Lending, Interest Rate, Paper Currencies, War Economy on earth in Yagna in January 2023

·       I have burnt human rights originated from Jesus Christ’s and prostitute Mary’s ass in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt digital payment, VISA, Apple Pay, American Express, Mastercard, Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta, Alphabet, Technology, AI, Tokenisation, White skin men, women, girls, boys, LLMs, AI tools, AI products, solutions, services, use cases in healthcare, education, business, law, governments and medicine originated from Jesus Christ’s and prostitute Mary’s ass in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt the five big forces (debt, populism, great power conflict/world order conflict, climate/draughts/floods/pandemic and industrial revolution/technology/AI) originated from Ray Dalio’s ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year by his investors and customers in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt first citizenship, second citizenship, citizenship, debt cycle, geopolitical cycle, and BRICS pay system in Yagna in January 2023

·       I have submerged, bankrupted, burnt and buried USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia and Europe for creating more than ZERO guns, firearms and nuclear weapons in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Chinese and Asians worshipping/following Jesus Christ in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside White woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned NRIs and Indians worshipping/following Jesus Christ in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside White woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Sindhi, Jains, Gujarati and Marathi men, women in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside Black African American woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned LGBTQAI, Transgenders, divorced, separated, single for life, unmarried for life, monks, ascetics, infidelity, cheaters, men fucking/touching/kissing men, women fucking/kissing/touching women in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside donkey’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Nancy Pelosi, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, WSJ, News, Media, Journalism in the last 13.8 billion years into living organisms inside Black woman’s vagina/ass for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have influenced the US 2024 election in Yagna in January 2023.

·       Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris – This is your last opportunity to become the US president. Get your greatest military ready to fight with me to protect democracy burnt by me in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have increased the US debt from $35 trillion to $100000 trillion to bankrupt the USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia and Europe in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have burnt democracy, individualism, pursuit of happiness, tax, crime, liberty, freedom, and the United States originated from the rotten ass of Jesus Christ in Yagna in January 2023.

Tujhe maajhe ek naaw, tujhe maajhe ek naaw

Un saawalicha juna lapndaaw, waatato nawin ka punha

Tula mala saare thhaaw, tujhe maajhe ek naaw

Un saawalicha juna lapndaaw, waatato nawin ka punha

Nawyaane punha bhetalis tu

Saang na jara kasa mala mi saawaru

Paakharu paakharu man halawe paakharu

Saawaru saawaru chal doghe saawaru

Swapn rekhanyaacha apula swabhaaw

Jaagate tarihi raat ka

Painjane chaahulis wed laawati

Chaahuli olakhiche arth maagati

Tu jithe mi tithe, odh ka waadhate

Aj whaawe tujhe ka ase waatate

Waahato kinaara baandhaleli naaw

Jiw ha kuthhe wisaawala


फुललेरे क्षण माझेफुललेरे

मेंदीने, शकुनाच्या, शकुनाच्या मेंदीने

सजलेरे क्षण माझेसजलेरे

झुळूक वाऱ्याची आली रे लेऊन कोवळी सोनफुले

साजण स्पर्शाची जाणीव होऊन भाळलेमन खुळे

या वेडाचे, या वेडाचे, नाचरे भाव बिलोरे

मेंदीने, शकुनाच्या मेंदीने, खुललेरे क्षण माझेखुललेरे

ओढ ही बेबंद, श्वासात, ध्यासात, स्वप्नात येणेतुझे

भांबावल्या माझ्या उरात, स्पर्शात रेशिम का टे तुझे

मनमोराचे, मनमोराचे, जादूभरे हे पिसारे

मेंदीने, शकुनाच्या मेंदीने, हसलेरे क्षण माझेहसलेरे

प्रीत ही, प्रीत ही उमजेना

जडला का जीव हा समजेना

कशी सांगूमी, कशी सांगूमी

माझ्या मनीची कथा रे

मेंदीने, शकुनाच्या मेंदीने, भुललेरे क्षण माझेभुललेरे

Oct 29, 2024

6 min read





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