Ashok A Khedkar
Everyone is sending their children to private schools from my son’s public school. How do I send him to a private school with less than $20K in my life savings account?
· Millions of White skin sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe thought I would give up if they treat me worse than animal infinite times.
· Millions of White skin sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe thought I would give up if they treat me worse than humans from 4th world country infinite times.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for private businesses, companies and corporations, public companies, businesses and corporations, and fortune 500 companies on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Canadian, NZ, American, and European sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe thought I would give up if they treat me worse than animal infinite times.
· White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Canadian, NZ, American, and European sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe thought I would lick, kiss their ass like rest of the sperms, living organisms and bacteria on earth when they denied work opportunities infinite times.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Africa, South America, Europe, The Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and India to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working in hospitality, cafe, restaurants, retail, private business, cities, CBDs, real estate, construction, property, science, technology, research, space, NASA, Area 51, CSIRO, animal research, biotechnology, tourism, aviation, mining, drilling, renewables, energy transition, building services, building automation, life sciences, arms industry, finance, law, technology, AI, education, cybersecurity, internet, social media and politics to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have submerged, bankrupted, destroyed and buried 195 countries and 8 continents in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in 195 countries and 8 continents to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form demanding work life balance, equal pay, gender equality, DEI in 195 countries and 8 continents to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form demanding equal representation of women in decision making, leadership and board in 195 countries and 8 continents to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for businesses, companies, corporations, governments, news, media, journalism, digitization, automation, AI, technology, Silicon Valley, social media, internet, sex videos, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, borders, walls, immigration, firearms, guns, prostitution, military, air force, navy, submarines, arms industry, arms trade and nuclear weapons in 195 countries and 8 continents to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, digital currency and paper currencies in 195 countries and 8 continents to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have burnt hope, and relief on earth in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have burnt Make Australia great again and Make America great again on earth in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in Australia, Canada, NZ, UK, USA and Europe working in politics, business, law, finance, news, media and journalism to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in 195 countries working in politics, business, law, finance, news, media and journalism to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form in 195 countries working in healthcare, biotechnology, science, hospitals, universities, schools and colleges to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· When I reached out infinite times to White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for Monash University, Melbourne University, RMIT, Latrobe, Deakin, Curtin, and every single Australian university for an opportunity to explain my business offerings they didn’t respond, they kept quiet, they ignored my meeting requests, emails and phones. You will beg for death, food, shelter and clothing until every part of your body is rotten from June 2024.
· I have starved White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· When I reached out infinite times to White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for Monash Hospital, Austin Hospital, St John of God Hospital, and every single Australian public and private hospital for an opportunity to explain my business offerings they didn’t respond, they kept quiet, they ignored my meeting requests, emails and phones. You will beg for death, food, shelter and clothing until every part of your body is rotten from June 2024.
· When I reached out infinite times to White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for City FM, Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, CBRE, JLL, Knight Frank, Colliers, Charter Hall, Dexus, Mirvac, BGIS, and every single Australian commercial real estate investor, manager, operator and owner for an opportunity to explain my business offerings they didn’t respond, they kept quiet, they ignored my meeting requests, emails and phones. You will beg for death, food, shelter and clothing until every part of your body is rotten from June 2024.
· When I reached out infinite times to White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for BMS, BMCS, BAS, DDC, HVAC, Air Conditioning, Mech-Elec, MSSB, Building Services, FDD, AI, Building Automation, Building Technology and every single Australian small, medium and large business for an opportunity to explain my business offerings they didn’t respond, they kept quiet, they ignored my meeting requests, emails and phones. You will beg for death, food, shelter and clothing until every part of your body is rotten from June 2024.
· When I reached out infinite times to White skin British, Irish, Scottish, Australian sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form working for Lendlease, Multiplex, Stockland, Vicinity Centres, ISPT, 533 Australian Councils, and every single Australian small, medium and large business for an opportunity to explain my business offerings they didn’t respond, they kept quiet, they ignored my meeting requests, emails and phones. You will beg for death, food, shelter and clothing until every part of your body is rotten from June 2024.
· Everyone is sending their children to private schools from my son’s public school. How do I send him to a private school with less than $20K in my life savings account?
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form responsible for private schools on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form such as private school students, private school parents and teachers on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form such as catholic/Christian school students, parents and teachers on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form such as Muslim/Islamic school students, parents and teachers on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form such as Jewish school students, parents and teachers on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form studying at convent schools on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form studying at universities, schools and colleges on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form using phones, mobiles, laptops, computers, social media, internet, ipads, and television on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting boys to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like girls on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting girls to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like boys on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting men to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like men on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting women to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like women on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting male insects, birds, animals and animate to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like female insects, birds, animals and animate on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting female insects, birds, animals and animate to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like male insects, birds, animals and animate on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting male living and non living to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like female living and non living on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
· I have starved sperms, living organisms, bacteria in human form advocating, supporting female living and non living to act, behave, think, fuck, walk and live like male living and non living on earth to death in Yagna in January 2023.
यं यं यं यक्षरूपं दशदिशिविदितं भूमिकम्पायमानं
सं सं संहारमूर्तिं शिरमुकुटजटा शेखरं चन्द्रबिम्बम् ।
दं दं दं दीर्घकायं विकृतनखमुखं चोर्ध्वरोमंकरालं
पं पं पं पापनाशं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ १॥
रं रं रं रक्तवर्णं कटिकटिततनुं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राकरालं
घं घं घं घोष घोषं घ घ घ घ घटितं घर्झरं घोरनादम् ।
कं कं कं कालपाशं ध्रुक्ध्रुक्ध्रुकितं ज्वालितं कामदाहं
तं तं तं दिव्यदेहं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ २॥
लं लं लं लम्बदन्तं ल ल ल ल ललितं दीर्घजिह्वाकरालं
धूं धूं धूं धूम्रवर्णं स्फुटविकटमुखं भास्करं भीमरूपम् ।
रुं रुं रुं रुण्डमालं रवितमनियतं ताम्रनेत्रं करालं
नं नं नं नग्नभूषं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ३॥
वं वं वं वायुवेगं नतजनसदयं ब्रह्मसारं परन्तं
खं खं खं खड्गहस्तं त्रिभुवनविलयं भास्करं भीमरूपम् ।
चं चं चं चं चलित्वाऽचल चल चलिता चालितं भूमिचक्रं
मं मं मं मायिरूपं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ४॥
शं शं शं शङ्खहस्तं शशिकरधवलं मोक्षसम्पूर्णतेजं
मं मं मं मं महान्तं कुलमकुलकुलं मन्त्रगुप्तं सुनित्यम् ।
यं यं यं भूतनाथं किलिकिलिकिलितं बालकेलिप्रधानं
अं अं अं अन्तरिक्षं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ५॥
खं खं खं खड्गभेदं विषममृतमयं कालकालं करालं
क्षं क्षं क्षं क्षिप्रवेगं दहदहदहनं तप्तसन्दीप्यमानम् ।
हूं हूं हूंकारनादं प्रकटितगहनं गर्जितैर्भूमिकम्पं
बं बं बं बाललीलं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ६॥
सं सं सं सिद्धियोगं सकलगुणमखं देवदेवं प्रसन्नं
पं पं पं पद्मनाभं हरिहरमयनं चन्द्रसूर्याग्निनेत्रम् ।
ऐं ऐं ऐश्वर्यनाथं सततभयहरं पूर्वदेवस्वरूपं
रौं रौं रौं रौद्ररूपं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ७॥
हं हं हं हंसयानं हसितकलहकं मुक्तयोगाट्टहासं
धं धं धं नेत्ररूपं शिर मुकुटजटाबन्धबन्धाग्रहस्तम् ।
टं टं टङ्कारनादं त्रिदशलटलटं कामगर्वापहारं
भ्रूं भ्रूं भ्रूं भूतनाथं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ८॥