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Greg Inglis, Latrell Mitchell, Buddy Franklin, First Nations, Indigenous Australian men, women, boys, girls, and children on the Rainbow Serpent’s land in the last 13.8 billion years

Aug 6, 2024

8 min read



·       Greg Inglis, Latrell Mitchell, Buddy Franklin, First Nations, Indigenous Australian men, women, boys, girls, and children on the Rainbow Serpent’s land in the last 13.8 billion years – I see, read, listen, and watch you beg White skin mini snakes/convicts/clowns/criminals for money, food, alcohol, health, drugs, clothing, shelter, water, homes, jobs, work, and employment every single day. I see, read, listen, and watch you blame White skin mini snakes/convicts/clowns/criminals for all problems in your life. I see you beg every day to White skin convicts/clowns/criminals for a voice to parliament and truth telling. Did the Rainbow Serpent not give you two hands, two legs, body, mind, senses and eternal knowledge to create infinite wealth for you, your families, your loved ones and every single animate/living on the land? Why are you begging White animals in human form? Did I (The BUNJIL HAWK) not give you my infinite powers to create infinite wealth for you, your families, your loved ones and every single animate/living on the land? Did I (The RAINBOW SERPENT) not make you infinite times more powerful and knowledgeable than the White Skin mini snakes, convicts, clowns and criminals? Did I create you to beg White mini snakes, convicts, clowns and criminals to anger the Rainbow Serpent? Did I create you to remain in jungle, in wilderness, in abject poverty for more than 60,000 years on my land with abundance of life and resources? Did you forget to think, act, live, work, create, sustain and destroy like the Rainbow Serpent and the BUNJIL hawk? Did you become eternal beggars, slaves of White skin mini snakes, convicts, clowns and criminals in just 200 years to anger the Rainbow Serpent? Did you beg, complain, and blame more than ZERO White skin mini snakes, convicts, clowns and criminals for your problems in the last 13.8 billion years to anger the Rainbow Serpent? I HAVE BURNT EVERY SINGLE INDIGENOUS MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD BEGGING, AND BLAMING OTHERS FOR PROBLEMS IN LIFE. YOU WILL BEG FOR DEATH FOR BEGGING MORE THAN ZERO TIMES TO WHITE SKIN MINI SNAKES, CONVICTS, CLOWNS AND CRIMINALS FOR MONEY, FOOD, SHELTER, CLOTHING, AND WATER ON MY LAND FROM JUNE 2024.

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