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Greg Inglis, Latrell Mitchell, Buddy Franklin, Indigenous Australian kids, children, men, women, boys, and girls copying/imitating/pretending to be White mini snakes on the Rainbow Serpent’s land

Jul 31, 2024

10 min read



·       PhD, MBA, Masters, research, higher education, universities, IIT, IIM, MIT, Harvard, Tesla, Google, SpaceX, McKinsey, peer validation, career progression students, employees, employers, and graduates in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth - I have turned you into shit/semen/cum collecting, drinking and eating hybrid incest pigs, dogs, and animals for the next infinite lives on the infinite earths created by me in Yagna in January 2023. I have turned men/women like you stuck on my earth in the endless cycle of death and birth into the most untouchable shit/semen/cum eating, drinking and collecting incest hybrid creatures (half animals and half humans) with the most obnoxious skin colour for the next infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023. You will beg, rot, eat, drink and collect shit for infinite time to become human again for exploiting my beloved earth in the last 13.8 billion years.

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