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• I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Narayani.

Oct 23, 2024

4 min read




·       End of hegemony, alliances, enemies, adversaries, terrorism, crime, theft, fear, greed, hunger, poverty, filth, exploitation, borders, walls, immigration, VISA, Passport, Citizenship, Patriotism, Bigotry, News, Media, Journalism, Democracy, Constitution, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Technology, AI, Data, Computing, Science, Quantum Computing, Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, Truth and Falsehood, Christianity, Catholics, Christians, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Religion, Religious Structures, Religious Identities, Untouchability, Sex Videos, Prostitution, Pimps, Prostitutes, Bastards, Brothelkeepers, Whores, Ass/Anal Fuckers, LGBTQAI, Lust, Transgenders, fucking as many men and women as possible in one life, divorce, separation, single parent, step families, step children, IVF, Botox, astrology, fortune telling, temples, churches, mosques, Jihad, Hijab, wars, conflicts, disputes, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, uranium, drilling, mining, oil, gas, fossil fuels, solar, wind, electric vehicles, electric batteries, air conditioning, HVAC, data centres, building automation, cooling, heating, refrigeration, processed meat and food, alcohol, drugs, cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, addictions, mental health, corruption, homelessness, bias, deceit, logic, reasoning, rationale, Jesus Christ, Mary, The Bible, The Torah, Jews, Israel, Holy Land, Islam, The Quran, Allah, Muhammad, Prophets, Messiahs, Religious Conversions, Violence, Non-Violence, Pure Vegetarians, Vegans, Non Vegetarians, Organic, Sports, AFL, Cricket, Tennis, Olympics, AI, Big Tech, Debt, Lending, Borrowing, Loan, Mortgage, stamp duty, land tax, council tax, income tax, corporate tax, business tax, business, career, employment, recruitment, jobs, commission, incentives, perks, work, 5 days a week work, 4 days a week work, hybrid work, flexible work, work from office, travel to work, cities and CBDs, CEOs, CTOs, Board Members, Politicians, Lawmakers, Doctors, Surgeons, GPs, Nurses, Police, Lawyers, Defence, Psychologists, Philosophers, Priests, Astrologers, Life and Death Rituals, air, land and water pollution, river/creek/sea/ocean pollution, industrial waste, slums, poverty, filth, internet, data, privacy, governance, dictators, prime ministers, opposition leaders, salary, minimum wage, hourly work, contracts, tenders, race to the bottom, competition, rat race, skin colour, racism, discrimination, rules, laws, struggle for food, shelter, clothing and water, struggle for meaning to life and existence, struggle for making a living, struggle for survival, rain and water scarcity, food scarcity, wealth scarcity, infectious and non-infectious diseases, doubts, fears, illusions of mind, software, hardware, robots, AI agents, humanoids, universities, learning, speaking, accent, dancing, acting, talking, rehearsing, first world, third world, rich, poor, millionaires, billionaires, convicts, clowns, criminals, mini snakes, soldiers, capitalists, entrepreneurs, founders, scientists, teachers, private schools, Gold, Silver, Cryptocurrencies, digital world, tokenisation, banking, exchange, debt, money, wealth, success, infidelity, cheating, sexual partners, extra marital affairs, filth, construction, real estate, property, insurance, housing, land and property valuation, high rise apartment buildings, cities, CBDs, life sciences, cancers, ADHD, mental disorders, illnesses, and diseases, brain cancers, medicine, drugs, cure, healing, MRI, X Ray, CT Scan, Biotechnology, Genes, Chromosomes, obsession with sex, body, mind and senses, obsession with money, wealth, ass size, penis size, tummy size, vagina size, boob size,  lip size, and body size, racism, discrimination, currencies, iron ore, metals, copper, retail, local, economy, GDP, inflation, recession, stagflation, interest rate, state and national governments on earth before 2024

·       End of Jesus Christ and Allah worshippers and followers, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, Prisons, Crime, Walls, Borders, Drug Traffickers, Prisoners, Jains, Buddhists, Gautam Buddha, Baba Ambedkar, Pure Vegetarians, Scholars, Brahmins, Marathas, Vanjaris, Castes, Varna, Untouchability, Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping, CCP, PLA, China, Asia, Africa, 8 continents, 195 countries, Indian languages, cultures, values, ethics and principles, UN, IMF on earth before 2024.

·       End of mobiles, phones, laptops, computers, beauty and fashion products, shopping malls, shopping, eating, drinking, meat, abattoirs, processed meat, plastic, air, land and water pollution, river pollution, industrial waste, methane, CO2, GHG Emissions, dumping dead bodies in water, rituals near rivers, creeks and water, landfill, DEI, justice, political correctness, elections, voting, energy transition, capital growth, investment, domestic and foreign trade, buildings, work on earth before 2024.

·       Akka (my beloved mother) - I love you forever, this life and infinite lives to come.

·       Bai (my beloved grandmother) - I love you forever, this life and infinite lives to come.

·       I am not tired, I am not exhausted, I am not complaining, I do not want to complain, I do not want to give excuses, I do not want to stop trying, I do not want to stop believing.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my God Narayana.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Narayani.

·       I do not want my speech to cause any stigma to my God Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.

·       I do not want my speech to cause any stigma to my Goddess Saraswati, Durga, Shakti, Kaali and Lakshmi.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my God Surya, Chandra, Agni, Jal, Vayu, Brahmand and Pruthvi.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Pruthvi.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my God Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Daridra Narayana.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Sri and Vaishnavi.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my God Kuber and Dhanvantari.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Durga.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my God Dharma, Satya, Purusha, Yagna and The Vedas.

·       I do not want my actions to cause any stigma to my Goddess Bhagvad-Gita.

·       I wish I died before engaging in any type of falsehood, greed, lust, hunger, filth, exploitation, rat race, competition, bias, reasoning, and rationale  more than ZERO times in the last 41 years

Shuklambaradaram Vishnum

Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam

Prasanna vadanam Dhyaayeth

Sarva vighno pashantaye


Shaantaakaaram bhujagashayanam

padmanaabham suresham

Vishwaa dharam Gagana Sadrusham

Megha Varnam Subhangam

Lakshmi kantam kamalanayanam

yogibhir dhyaana gamyam

Vande vishnum bhava bhaya haram

sarva lokaika naatham.


Aushadam chintayed vishnum

bhojanam cha janardhanam

shayane padmanabham cha

vivahe cha prajapatim

yuddhe chakradharam devam

pravase cha trivikramam

Narayanam thanu thyage

sridharam priya sangame

dusswapne smara govindam

sankate madhusudhanam


kaanane naarasimham cha

pavake jalasayinam

jalamadhye varaham cha

parvathe raghunandanam

Gamane Vaamanam Chaiva

Sarva Kaaryeshu Madhavam


Shodasaitaani naamani

prathuruddhaya yah padeth

sarva paapa vinirmukto

vishnu lokai mahiyati

Oct 23, 2024

4 min read





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