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• I have raised every single extinct Dinosaur in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023

Oct 19, 2024

4 min read




·       I have turned every single Chinese/Taiwanese (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single Brahmin, Maratha, Aryan, Dravidian, NRI and Indian (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single White skin British, Irish, Scottish, American, Canadian, NZ, Australian, European (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single African, South American, North American (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single The Middle Eastern, Asian, OCEANIA (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single man, woman, boy, girl, animate, organic, inanimate, inorganic (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have raised every single extinct Dinosaur in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023

·       I have raised every single extinct life form, animal, bird, organic, animate, insect, species in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023

·       I have raised every single man, woman, girl, boy in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023

·       I have raised every single god, goddess in the last 13.8 billion years in Yagna in January 2023

·       I will not engage in falsehood, adharma, deceit, bias, political correctness, reasoning, rationale, emotions, feelings because I have burnt it in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single Muslim, Christian, Jew, Jain, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single French, German, Italian, European man, woman, girl, boy (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned every single White skin, black skin, brown skin man, woman, girl, boy (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned creators of Low-quality information, Objective physical reality and cooperation, GPT-4 deception, Alien intelligence, Democracy and information, Setting information free, Algorithmic fear, The power of curation, The annihilation of privacy, Israel and Palestine, Human-AI relationships, The enormous potential of AI (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned 27 million Australians, 70 million British/Irish/Scottish, 350 million USA, 39 million Canadians, 5.5 million NZ, and 775 million Europeans (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.

·       I have turned Japanese, South Koreans, North Koreans, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Mexicans (living and dead) on earth in the last 13.8 billion years into filthiest ugliest bacteria in human/animal/animate poo/stool/shit/semen/cum/ass/vagina/pee with no mind, no body, no mouth, no ass, no vagina, no penis, no skin colour, and no face for infinite lives in Yagna in January 2023.



Oct 19, 2024

4 min read





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