Ashok A Khedkar
I will not even fuck/touch/shit/spit/piss on any White skin shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting woman/female/prostitute/whore including the Royal family women in the last 13.8 billion years
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting NRIs/Indian pigs living, studying, teaching, learning, acting, dancing, imitating, copying, and working in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Canada, NZ and Europe on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting NRIs/Indian pigs working for businesses and governments in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Canada, NZ and Europe on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting Russian, Chinese, North Korean, South Korean and Japanese, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Asian, Singaporean, Muslim and Jewish pigs on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting NRIs/Indian pigs living, studying, teaching, learning, acting, dancing, imitating, copying, working, buying, investing and selling homes, land, properties, stocks, bonds, government securities, bills, notes, paper currencies and investments in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Canada, NZ and Europe on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs living, studying, teaching, learning, acting, dancing, imitating, copying, working, buying, investing and selling homes, land, properties in cities, and CBDs on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs borrowing, lending, loaning money to sell, build and buy homes, land, properties on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs creating debt, interest rate, GDP, economy, banks, central banks to sell, build and buy homes, land, properties on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of Commercial property Landlords, property managers, facility managers, builders, developers, architects, project managers, consultants, tenants, BMS and HVAC maintenance providers and contractors, fire, hydraulics and electrical maintenance providers and contractors on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME
· I will not even fuck/touch/shit/spit/piss on any White skin shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting woman/female/prostitute/whore including the Royal family women in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Jesus Christ, Christianity and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing
· I will not even touch/shit/spit/piss on any White skin shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting man/male/bastard/pimp/brothelkeeper including the Royal family men in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Jesus Christ, Christianity and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing.
· I will not even fuck/touch/shit/spit/piss on any White skin Chinese, Russian, European, British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Canadian, American, NZ, Israel, Asian and The Middle Eastern shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting woman/female/prostitute/whore in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Islam, Allah, Prophets, Judaism, Jesus Christ, Wars, Conflicts, Disputes, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Christianity and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing
· I will not even touch/shit/spit/piss on any White skin Chinese, Russian, European, British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Canadian, American, NZ, Israel, Asian and The Middle Eastern shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting man/male/bastard/pimp/brothelkeeper in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Islam, Allah, Prophets, Judaism, Jesus Christ, Wars, Conflicts, Disputes, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Christianity and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing
· I will not even fuck/touch/shit/spit/piss on any White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting women/females/prostitutes/whores in 195 countries and 8 continents in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Islam, Allah, Prophets, Judaism, Jesus Christ, Wars, Conflicts, Disputes, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing
· I will not even touch/shit/spit/piss on any White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting men/males/bastards/pimps/brothelkeepers in 195 countries and 8 continents in the last 13.8 billion years responsible for filth, greed, exploitation, prostitution, bigotry, racism, discrimination, colonisation, evil, Islam, Allah, Prophets, Judaism, Jesus Christ, Wars, Conflicts, Disputes, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and missionaries on my beloved earth. You are the most advanced shit/cum/semen eating, collecting and drinking incest hybrid animals in the last 13.8 billion years on my earth. You are not even worth shitting, spitting, and pissing
· I have burnt the very idea, the very notion, the very thought, the very existence of 8 Chiranjeevi in Yagna in January 2023. If I am the real God Vishnu, I will know 8 Chiranjeevi on earth. If I am the real God Vishnu, I will not need any Chiranjeevi to create Vaikuntha on earth except my eternal Dharma Guru Parashuram.
विश्वेश्वराय नरकार्णव तारणाय
कर्णामृताय शशिशेखर धारणाय
कर्पूरकांति धवलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
गौरी प्रियाय रजनीशकलाधराय
कालान्तकाय भुजगाधिप कंकणाय
गंगाधराय गजराज विमर्दनाय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
भक्तिप्रियाय भवरोग भयापहाय
उग्राय दुर्गभवसागर तारणाय
ज्योतिर्मयाय गुणनाम सुनृत्यकाय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
चर्माम्बराय शवभस्म विलेपनाय
भालेक्षणाय मणिकुंडल मण्डिताय
मंजीर पादयुगलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
पंचाननाय फनिराज विभूषणाय
हेमांशुकाय भुवनत्रय मण्डिताय
आनंदभूमिवरदाय तमोमयाय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
भानुप्रियाय भवसागर तारणाय
कालान्तकाय कमलासन पूजिताय
नेत्रत्रयाय शुभलक्षण लक्षिताय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
रामप्रियाय रघुनाथवरप्रदाय
नागप्रियाय नरकार्णवतारणाय
पुण्येषु पुण्यभरिताय सुरर्चिताय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय...
मुक्तेश्वराय फलदाय गणेश्वराय
गीतप्रियाय वृषभेश्वर वाहनाय
मातंग चर्मवसनाय महेश्वराय
दारिद्र्य दु:ख दहनाय नम: शिवाय…
दारिद्र्य दहन शिव स्तोत्र और अर्थ
जो विश्व के स्वामी हैं,
जो नरकरूपी संसारसागर से उद्धार करने वाले हैं,
जो कानों से श्रवण करने में अमृत के समान नाम वाले हैं,
जो अपने भाल पर चन्द्रमा को आभूषणरूप में धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो कर्पूर की कांति के समान धवल वर्ण वाले जटाधारी हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो माता गौरी के अत्यंत प्रिय हैं,
जो रजनीश्वर(चन्द्रमा) की कला को धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो काल के भी अन्तक (यम) रूप हैं,
जो नागराज को कंकणरूप में धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो अपने मस्तक पर गंगा को धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो गजराज का विमर्दन करने वाले हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो भक्तिप्रिय, संसाररूपी रोग एवं भय का नाश करने वाले हैं,
जो संहार के समय उग्ररूपधारी हैं,
जो दुर्गम भवसागर से पार कराने वाले हैं,
जो ज्योतिस्वरूप, अपने गुण और नाम के अनुसार सुन्दर नृत्य करने वाले हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो बाघ के चर्म को धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो चिताभस्म को लगाने वाले हैं,
जो भाल में तीसरा नेत्र धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो मणियों के कुण्डल से सुशोभित हैं,
जो अपने चरणों में नूपुर धारण करने वाले जटाधारी हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो पांच मुख वाले नागराज रूपी आभूषण से सुसज्जित हैं,
जो सुवर्ण के समान किरणवाले हैं,
जो आनंदभूमि (काशी) को वर प्रदान करने वाले हैं,
जो सृष्टि के संहार के लिए तमोगुनाविष्ट होने वाले हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो सूर्य को अत्यंत प्रिय हैं,
जो भवसागर से उद्धार करने वाले हैं,
जो काल के लिए भी महाकालस्वरूप, और जिनकी कमलासन (ब्रम्हा) पूजा करते हैं,
जो तीन नेत्रों को धारण करने वाले हैं,
जो शुभ लक्षणों से युक्त हैं,
द ारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो राम को अत्यंत प्रिय, रघुनाथजी को वर देने वाले हैं,
जो सर्पों के अतिप्रिय हैं,
जो भवसागररूपी नरक से तारने वाले हैं,
जो पुण्यवालों में अत्यंत पुण्य वाले हैं,
जिनकी समस्त देवतापूजा करते हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
जो मुक्तजनों के स्वामीस्वरूप हैं,
जो चारों प ुरुषार्थों का फल देने वाले हैं,
जिन्हें गीत प्रिय हैं और नंदी जिनका वाहन है,
गजचर्म को वस्त्ररूप में धारण करने वाले हैं, महेश्वर हैं,
दारिद्र्य रुपी दुःख का नाश करने वाले शिव को मेरा नमन है|
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः
शम्भो शङ्कराय नमः। पार्वतीपतये नमः