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Philipe Lowe, Michelle Bullock, Peter Dutton, Anthony Albanese, Adam LGBTQAI+ Bandt, Scott Morrison, John Howard, Bob dead shit Hawke, David Speers, Laura Tingle, Andrew Bolt, Peta Credlin

Aug 5, 2024

11 min read



·       Janet Yellen, Jerome Powell, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, Mike Johnson, Federal Reserve, US Economists, Capitalists, Republicans, Democrats and 350 million US criminals on my earth – Were you fucking your mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, step fathers, step mothers, step daughters, step sons, step families, family members, relatives, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunties, mother in laws, father in laws, sister in laws, brother in laws, cousins when you came up with the filthiest ideas of democracy, constitution, capitalism, central banks, commercial banks, lending, borrowing, debt, government securities, bonds, bills, notes, paper currencies, cities, CBDs, financial institutions, green hydrogen, solar and wind farms, oil, gas and mining industries, stock exchanges, stocks, rule of law, politics, politicians, justice, equality, diversity, inclusion, equity, right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsehood, Christianity, Church, Jesus Christ, Pope, Pastors, Missionaries, Bishops, LGBTQAI+, lust, prostitution, bastards, pimps, whores, porn stars, adult industry, adult toys, sex videos, incest, social media, climate change, global warming, net zero, decarbonisation, electrification, housing, land and property valuations/bubbles, AI, science, technology, energy transition, recession, inflation, stagflation, GDP, fiscal deficit, 2%-3% interest rate, gender fluidity, transgender, same sex marriage, same sex relationship, children with the same sex parents, children with IVF, Botox, plastic surgery, fake penis, fake body, fake ass, fake body, fake tummy, fake lips, fake face, fake boobs, fake pussy/vagina, borders, walls, education, migration, VISA, Passports, citizenship, patriotism, prisons, detention centres, refugees, filth, exploitation, fear, greed, hunger, deceit, bias, logic, reasoning, rationale, science, biology, chemistry, arts, physics, biotechnology, cancers, rare diseases, drugs, addictions, wars, conflicts, weapons, submarines, armies, navies, air forces, arms race, wealth, money, investments, racism, discrimination, psychologies, philosophies and bigotry to exploit my beloved earth? I know you were otherwise you wouldn’t come up with this shit to exploit my beloved earth. I also know you were fucking your pets at the same time otherwise you wouldn’t come up with this shit to exploit my beloved earth. YOU WILL BEG FOR DEATH, FOOD, SHELTER, CLOTHING, AND WATER FROM JUNE 2024.

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