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• The Rainbow Serpent of Indigenous Australians in on earth for more than 40 years

Sep 7, 2024

5 min read




·         I have burnt central banks and commercial banks on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt accounting, tax, finance, business, career, recruitment, jobs, minimum wage, employment, CPI, interest rate, GDP, lending, borrowing, recession, stagflation, inflation, bonds, stocks, bills, notes, and paper currencies on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt climate change, global warming, net zero, energy transition, decarbonisation, electrification, net zero global built environment, renewables, oil, gas, mining and green hydrogen on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt colonisation, slavery, science, biology, physics, chemistry, arts, commerce, biotechnology, saving lives, infectious and non-infectious diseases, universities, research, labs, cancers, medicine, ADHD and pharma on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt quantum computing, AI, technology, internet, computer, laptops, IT, Servers, business, data, cybersecurity, privacy, data, computing, cloud storage, and data centres on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt commercial real estate, housing, land and property valuations on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt Jesus Christ, Mary, Bishops, Pastors, Missionaries, Popes, Christianity, The Bible, Church, White skin colour on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt prisons, crime, theft, drugs, detention centres, correctional centres, refugee, passport, VISA, PR, Citizenship, patriotism, evil, right and wrong, allies, enemies, adversaries, and alliances on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt mental health, one life, fucking as many women and men as possible in one life, separated, single for life, divorce, obsession with sex, body, mind and senses on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt LGBTQAI, transgender, gender fluidity, lust, same sex marriage, same sex relationships, ass fucking, anal fucking, children using IVF, pets, sex videos, prostitution, bigotry, deceit, bias, logic, reasoning, rationale, proof, evidence and cure on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt borders, walls, immigration, economy, identity, racism, discrimination, mini snakes, convicts, clowns, and criminals on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt cities, CBDs, apartment buildings, employees, managers, developers, builders, architects, contractors, suppliers, and relationships on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt nuclear plants, nuclear weapons, uranium, copper, iron ore, CO2 emissions, Methane emissions, rising sea levels, and Paris Agreement on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt democracy, constitution, rule of law, justice, diversity, equality, inclusion, equity, politicians, political ideologies, political values, and political parties on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt Christians, Evangelicals, lawyers, scientists, psychologists, philosophers, thinkers, celebrities, billionaires, millionaires, American dream, liberty, freedom, pursuit of happiness, and individualism on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         I have burnt cultures, values, ethics, way of life, way of thinking, acting, dancing, living, working, speaking, learning, listening, watching, writing, reading, pronouncing, debating and believing on earth originated from White skin woman's rotten vagina and man's ass fucked 24x7 365 days a year in Yagna in January 2023.

·         When Pakistani, Afghan, Bangladesh and Indian Muslims on earth claims to be human I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Palestinian, Gaza, West Bank and The Middle Eastern Muslims on earth claim to be human I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Muslims drinking/eating Allah's vagina in Australia claims to have indigenous Australian heritage I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Muslims drinking/eating Allah's vagina in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, NZ, Europe and USA call for Sharia law I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Muslims drinking/eating Allah's vagina in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, NZ, Europe and USA protest for Palestinian Muslim pigs I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Jewish drinking/eating Jesus Christ's vagina in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, NZ, Europe and USA protest in favour of Israel I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         When Christians dogs and pigs drinking/eating Jesus Christ's vagina in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, NZ, Europe and USA protest engage in religious conversion I turn them into shit/cum/semen eating, drinking and collecting pigs with no vagina, no penis and no mouth in the filthiest slums on earth

·         I have returned Jesus Christ fuckers, and Allah fuckers in Benjamin Netanyahu’s ass in Yagna in January 2023.

·         The Rainbow Serpent of Indigenous Australians in on earth for more than 40 years

·         The Bunjil Hawk of Indigenous Australians in on earth for more than 40 years

·         The Eternal Spirit of Indigenous Australians in on earth for more than 40 years

·         I have raised the sea levels to submerge 27 million illegal mini snakes on the Rainbow Serpent’s land in Yagna in January 2023


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