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When Muslim, Chinese and Jewish die

Aug 28, 2024

10 min read




  • When Jewish and Muslim shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When Muslim shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females, prophets, messiahs, Allah, Muhammad on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When Indian origin shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females converted to Christianity and Islam on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When Brahmins, Jains, Buddhists, Hindus shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews and Sikhs talk, listen, write, speak, debate, think, watch, innovate, act, dance, write, sing, advocate, promote, and preach on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When Black, white, Brown skin shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females talk, listen, write, speak, debate, think, watch, innovate, act, dance, write, sing, advocate, promote, and preach on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

·       When Black, white, Brown skin shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females Arihant, Siddha, Acharya, Jains, Upadhyaya, Muni, Jain monks, and Tirthankaras, Akshobhya, Amitabha, Amitayush, Amoghasiddhi, Kakusandha, Konagamana, Kassapa, Gautam Buddha, Baba Ambedkar, Maitreya, laughing Buddha, Ratnasambhava, Vairocana Buddha, Buddhists talk, listen, write, speak, debate, think, watch, innovate, act, dance, write, sing, advocate, promote, and preach on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.



  • When White skin Americans, Australians, NZ, Canadians, and European shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females talk, listen, write, speak, debate, think, watch, innovate, act, dance, write, sing, advocate, promote, and preach on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

  • When Muslim, Chinese and Jewish shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females talk, listen, write, speak, debate, think, watch, innovate, act, dance, write, sing, advocate, promote, and preach on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.

















Jain scriptures reject God as the creator of the universe. Further, it asserts that no god is responsible or causal for actions in the life of any living organism. This universe is not created nor sustained by anyone; It is self-sustaining, without any base or support

Jainism, an ancient Indian religion, emphasizes non-violence, vegetarianism, and intense meditation. Its principles of compassion and ethical living have influenced other religions and promote environmental awareness.

Jainism’s rich history and deep-rooted philosophical principles offer valuable insights into diverse religious traditions. Exploring its beliefs fosters empathy and respect for different faiths, promoting peaceful coexistence.

With origins dating back to the 6th century BCE, Jainism predates both Buddhism and Hinduism. It was founded by Lord Mahavira, a revered spiritual teacher.

According to Jainism, the soul goes through cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Karma, the law of cause and effect, determines the nature of the soul’s rebirth based on its actions.

Jains are known for their strict adherence to vegetarianism. They avoid eating meat, fish, and eggs to uphold their principle of non-violence.

Some Jains take a vow of renunciation and engage in extreme practices like fasting, meditation, and self-discipline. These practices are aimed at purifying the soul and attaining spiritual enlightenment.

In their quest for simplicity and detachment, Jain monks and nuns lead a minimalist life, refraining from using modern conveniences like electricity, vehicles, and electronic devices.

Anekantavada is the principle of non-absolutism, which acknowledges that reality has multiple facets and that no single point of view can capture the entirety of truth.

Meditation is an integral part of Jain practice. It helps individuals achieve a state of self-realization and inner peace, enabling them to detach from worldly desires.

Jains believe in practicing non-violence not only in their actions but also in their thoughts and words. They strive to cultivate compassionate and peaceful communication.

The five vows, known as Anuvratas, are non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), non-stealing (asteya), celibacy (brahmacharya), and non-attachment (aparigraha). These vows guide Jains in leading a righteous and ethical life.

Jainism acknowledges the presence of divine beings known as Tirthankaras, who have achieved spiritual enlightenment and guide others on the path of salvation.

Jains are predominantly vegetarian, as they believe in the principle of ahimsa or non-violence towards all living beings. They abstain from consuming meat, fish, and eggs and may also avoid vegetables like onions and garlic due to the belief that they may contain microorganisms.

Jains do not worship deities or a supreme being. Instead, they venerate enlightened beings who have achieved liberation. Jains focus on self-realization and personal spiritual growth.

Some foolish men declare that creator made the world. The doctrine that the world was created is ill advised and should be rejected.

If God created the world, where was he before the creation? If you say he was transcendent then and needed no support, where is he now? How could God have made this world without any raw material? If you say that he made this first, and then the world, you are faced with an endless regression.

And God commits great sin in slaying the children whom he himself created. If you say that he slays only to destroy evil beings, why did he create such beings in the first place?



Jainism is one of the world’s oldest religions, originating in India at least 2,500 years ago. The spiritual goal of Jainism is to become liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth and to achieve an all-knowing state called moksha. This can be attained by living a nonviolent life, or ahimsa, with as little negative impact on other life forms as possible.  


The traditions of Jainism were largely carried forward by a succession of 24 tirthankaras, or teachers, most notably Vardhamana Mahavira, the last of the tirthankaras and likely a contemporary of Gautama Buddha. Both Mahavira and Buddha emphasized the importance of self-discipline, meditation and ascetic life as the key to salvation. Their teachings often stood in contrast to those of Vedic priests of the time who emphasized ritual practices and their own role as intermediaries between humanity and the gods.

Almost all Jains are vegetarian, in line with guidance to pursue ahimsa (not harming other life). Roughly nine-in-ten Indian Jains (92%) identify as vegetarian, and two-thirds of Jains (67%) go further by abstaining from root vegetables such as garlic and onion. Eating root vegetables is seen as a form of violence in Jain teachings because consuming the root of a plant destroys the plant in its entirety. These dietary practices extend outside the home; more than eight-in-ten Jain vegetarians also say they would not eat food in the home of a friend or neighbor who was non-vegetarian (84%) or in a restaurant that served non-vegetarian food (91%).

A human being who conquers all inner passions and possesses infinite right knowledge (Kevala Jnana) is revered as an arihant in Jainism. They are also called Jinas (conquerors) or Kevalin (omniscient beings). An arihant is a soul who has destroyed all passions, is totally unattached and without any desire and hence is able to destroy the four ghātiyā karmas and attain kevala jñāna, or omniscience.

The word Tīrthaṅkara signifies the founder of a tirtha which means a fordable passage across a sea. The Tirthankara show the "fordable path" across the sea of interminable births and deaths. Jain philosophy divides the wheel of time in two halves, Utsarpiṇī or ascending time cycle and avasarpiṇī, the descending time cycle. Exactly 24 Tirthankara are said to grace each half of the cosmic time cycle.[9] Rishabhanatha was the first Tirthankara and Mahavira was the last Tirthankara of avasarpiṇī

Ultimately all arihantas become siddhas, or liberated souls, at the time of their nirvana. A siddha is a soul who is permanently liberated from the transmigratory cycle of birth and death. Such a soul, having realized its true self, is free from all the Karmas and embodiment. They are formless and dwell in Siddhashila (the realm of the liberated beings) at the apex of the universe in infinite bliss, infinite perception, infinite knowledge and infinite energy.

Siddhahood is the ultimate goal of all souls. There are infinite souls who have become siddhas and infinite more who will attain this state of liberation. According to Jainism, Godhood is not a monopoly of some omnipotent and powerful being(s). All souls, with right perception, knowledge and conduct can achieve self-realisation and attain this state. Once achieving this state of infinite bliss and having destroyed all desires, the soul is not concerned with worldly matters and does not interfere in the working of the universe, as any activity or desire to interfere will once again result in influx of karmas and thus loss of liberation.


Akshobhya is a transcendent or celestial Buddha revered in Mahayana Buddhism. He reigns over the Eastern Paradise, Abhirati. Abhirati is a "Pure Land" or "buddha-field"--a place of rebirth from which enlightenment is easily realized. The Pure Lands are believed in as past places by some Buddhists, but they may also is known as mental states. According to tradition, before enlightenment, Akshobhya was a monk who vowed never to feel anger or disgust at another being. He was immovable in keeping this vow, and after long striving, he became a Buddha. In iconography, Akshobhya is usually blue or gold, and his hands often are in the earth witness mudra, with left hand upright in his lap and his right Buddha touching the earth with his fingers.

Amitabha is another transcendent Buddha of Mahayana Buddhism, called the Buddha of Boundless Light. He is an object of veneration in Pure Land Buddhism and can also be found in Vajrayana Buddhism . Veneration of Amitabha is thought to enable one to enter a buddha-field, or Pure Land, in which enlightenment and Nirvana are accessible to anyone.


According to tradition, many ages ago Amitabha was a great king who renounced his throne and became a monk named Dharmakara. After his enlightenment, Amitabha came to reign over the Western Paradise, Sukhavati. Sukhavati is believed in by some as a literal place, but it can also be understood as a state of mind.

Amitayus is Amitabha in his sambhogakaya form. In Trikaya doctrine of Mahanaya Buddhism, there are three forms a Buddha may take: the dharmakaya body, which is a kind of ethereal, non physical manifestation of a buddah; the nimanakaya body, which is a literal, flesh and blood human figure that live and dies, such as the historical Siddhartha Gautama; and the Samghogakayha body.


The Sambhogakaya form is a kind of interim manifestation, which is said to have a visual presence but constituted of pure bliss.

The celestial Buddha Amoghasiddhi is called "the one who unerringly achieves his goal." He is one of the five wisdom Buddhas of the Vajrayana tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. He is associated with fearlessness on the spiritual path and the destruction of the poison of envy. 

He is usually depicted as green, and his hand gesture is in the mudra of fearlessness--left hand lying in his lap and right hand upright with fingers pointing skyward. 

Kakusandha is an ancient Buddha listed in the Pali Tipitika as having lived before the historical Buddha. He also is considered to be the first of five universal Buddhas of the current kalpa, or world age.

Konagamana is an ancient Buddha thought to be the second universal Buddha of the current kalpa or world age. 

Kassapa or Kasyapa was another ancient Buddha, the third of five universal Buddhas of the current kalpa, or world age. He was followed by Shakyamuni, Gautama Buddha, who is considered the fourth Buddha of the current kalpa. 

Siddhartha Gautama is the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism as we know it. He is also known as Shakyamuni.  

In iconography, Gautama Buddha is presented in many ways, as is fitting in his role as patriarch of the Buddhist religion, but most commonly he is a flesh-toned figure gesturing with the mudra of fearlessness--left hand lying open in lap,  right hand held upright with fingers pointing skyward. 

This historical Buddha we all know at "Buddha is believed to be the fourth of five Buddhas that will manifest in the current age. 

Maitreya is recognized by both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism as one who will be a Buddha in a future time. He is thought to be the fifth and last Buddha of the current world age (kalpa).


Maitreya is first mentioned in the Cakkavatti Sutta of the Pali Tipitika (Digha Nikaya 26). The sutta describes a future time in which the dharma is entirely lost, at which time Maitreya will appear to teach it as it had been taught before. Until that time, he will dwell as a bodhisattva in the Deva Realm.

The familiar "laughing Buddha" originated in 10th-century​ Chinese folklore. He is considered an emanation of Maitreya.

Ratnasambhava is a transcendent Buddha, called the "Jewel-Born One." He is one of the five meditation Buddhas of Vajrayana Buddhism and is the focus of meditations aimed at developing equanimity and equality. He is also associated with efforts at destroying greed and pride. 

Vairocana Buddha is a major iconic figure of Mahayana Buddhism. He is the universal Buddha or primordial, a personification of the dharmakaya and the illumination of wisdom. He is another of the five wisdom Buddhas.​


In the Avatamsaka (Flower Garland) Sutra, Vairocana is presented as the ground of being itself and the matrix from which all phenomena emerge. In the Mahavairocana Sutra, Vairocana appears as the universal Buddha from whom all buddhas emanate. He is the source of enlightenment who resides free from causes and conditions.

Aug 28, 2024

10 min read





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