Ashok A Khedkar

When White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females like guns, firearms, missiles, nuclear weapons, fighter jets
When White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females like Latrell Mitchell, Wayne Carey, NRL, Soccer, Sportsmen, Sportswomen, Olympians, and AFL players, drug/alcohol/tobacco dealers and buyers, and drug abusers on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.
When White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females like Facebook users, WhatsApp users, Instagram Users, Social Media Users, TikTok Users, Aladdin trading platform users, electric vehicle users, antibiotics users, abattoir creators, CO2 and Methane creators, air, land, plastic and water pollution creators, cricketers, Brahmins, NRIs, Indians and dogs on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.
When White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females like guns, firearms, missiles, nuclear weapons, fighter jets, weapons, Lockheed Marting employees, customers and investors, wars, conflicts, disputes, tensions, weapons suppliers, weapons traders, and weapons creators on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.
When White, Black and Brown skin shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females like Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Afghanistani, Muslims, Terrorists, Jihadists on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.
When shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs, men, women, boys, girls, males, females working in Tollywood, South Indian Movies, Kalki, Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Kalki movie actors, actresses, script writers, producers, directors, fans, South Indian shit/cum/semen drinking pigs watching Tollywood movies, South Indians, and South Indian celebrities, movies, Allu Arjun, Kamal Haasan, Dhanush, Rajanikant, Chiranjeevi, and every single Tollywood filth in the last 13.8 billion years on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME.
When shit/cum/semen/drugs/alcohol drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of Kashmiri and Indian Muslim men, women, boys, girls, males, females on earth die, I turn them into shit/cum/semen drinking, collecting and eating LGBTQAI+ transgender pigs with no vagina and no penis in the filthiest slums on the infinite earths. YOU WILL BEG FOR ANOTHER LIFE IN HUMAN FORM FOR INFINITE TIME. I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
Who created shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of White skin Christian, British, Irish, Jews, Scottish, American, NZ, Canadian, Australian and European mini snakes, convicts, criminals, clowns, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on my earth in the last 13.8 billion years? I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
Who created shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of Chinese, Muslim, Russian, North Korean, South Korean, Japanese, Mexican and South American mini snakes, convicts, criminals, clowns, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on my earth in the last 13.8 billion years? I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
Who created shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of Malaysian, Singaporean, Vietnamese, Asian, and OCEANIA mini snakes, convicts, criminals, clowns, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on my earth in the last 13.8 billion years? I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
Who created shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of Indian, Sri Lankan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Khalistan and Maldives mini snakes, convicts, criminals, clowns, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on my earth in the last 13.8 billion years? I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
Who created shit/cum/semen drinking/eating/collecting pigs in the form of African, and The Middle Eastern mini snakes, convicts, criminals, clowns, men, women, boys, girls, males, females on my earth in the last 13.8 billion years? I HAVE RAISED THE SEA LEVELS AT LEAST 500,000 FEET TO SUBMERGE CONTINENTS IN YAGNA IN JANUARY 2023.
ॐ चण्डं प्रतिचण्डं करधृतदण्डं कृतरिपुखण्डं सौख्यकरम् ।
लोकं सुखयन्तं विलसितवन्तं प्रकटितदन्तं नृत्यकरम् ।।
डमरुध्वनिशंखं तरलवतंसं मधुरहसन्तं लोकभरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकटमहेशं भैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।
चर्चित सिन्दूरं रणभूविदूरं दुष्टविदूरं श्रीनिकरम् ।
किँकिणिगणरावं त्रिभुवनपावं खर्प्परसावं पुण्यभरम् ।।
करुणामयवेशं सकलसुरेशं मुक्तशुकेशं पापह रम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्री भैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।
कलिमल संहारं मदनविहारं फणिपतिहारं शीध्रकरम् ।
कलुषंशमयन्तं परिभृतसन्तं मत्तदृगृन्तं शुद्धतरम् ।।
गतिनिन्दितहेशं नरतनदेशं स्वच्छकशं सन्मुण्डकरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेशं कष्टहरम् ।।
कठिन स्तनकुंभं सुकृत सुलभं कालीडिँभं खड्गधरम् ।
वृतभूतपिशाचं स्फुटमृदुवाचं स्निग्धसुकाचं भक्तभरम् ।।
तनुभाजितशेषं विलमसुदेशं कष्टसुरेशं प्रीतिनरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेशं कष्टहरम् ।।
ललिताननचंद्रं सुमनवितन्द्रं बोधितमन्द्रं श्रेष्ठवरम् ।
सुखिताखिललोकं परिगतशोकं शुद्धविलोकं पुष्टिकरम् ।।
वरदाभयहारं तरलिततारं क्ष्युद्रविदारं तुष्टिकरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।
सकलायुधभारं विजनविहारं सुश्रविशारं भृष्टमलम् ।
शरणागतपालं मृगमदभालं संजितकालं स्वेष्टबलम् ।।
पदनूपूरसिंजं त्रिनयनकंजं गुणिजनरंजन कुष्टहरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्री भैरव वेषं कष्टहरम् ।।
मदयिँतुसरावं प्रकटितभावं विश्वसुभावं ज्ञानपदम् ।
रक्तांशुकजोषं परिकृततोषं नाशितदोषं सन्मंतिदमम् ।।
कुटिलभ्रकुटीकं ज्वरधननीकं विसरंधीकं प्रेमभरम् ।
भज भज भूतेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।
परिर्निजतकामं विलसितवामं योगिजनाभं योगेशम् ।
बहुमधपनाथं गीतसुगाथं कष्टसुनाथं वीरेशम् ।
कलयं तमशेषं भृतजनदेशं नृत्य सुरेशं वीरेशम् ।
भज भज भूत ेशं प्रकट महेशं श्रीभैरववेषं कष्टहरम् ।।